Best PTC's That is Pay You,,,
~~ Lets Click, Sign up, See the advs, Earning and Withdraw ~~

Earn Up to $0.1 for standar

AyuWage Services - Get Paid to Visits Sites and Complete Surveys

The Bux, the new one, the cool one

ClixSense ; Online and Paying Since 2007

ProBux, Instant Payment

CashNHits ; AutoSurf, Like FB, Unique option in PTCs

NeoBux ; The king of PTC

Don't Handle Too Many PTC's

Is there such a thing as too many PTCs? Have a headache managing all these accounts? Chances are, if you have more than 10 PTC/GPT/Bux sites, you are doing too much. A good balance is 5 to 10 sites. We are all tempted, at one point or another, to join as many sites as possible, hoping to make a lot of money. But realistically, it is too much for one person to handle.
Having 5 to 10 sites that you use daily is the optimum number, any more is overload. You may have to "weed out" the lower quality websites and keep only the best ones. It is a tough decision, but we all have to do it sooner or later.
Just keep the highest paying sites and ditch the least paying sites. We know that it may be hard to part ways with a PTC, especially after you put in so much time into it. But keep this in mind: if you put in so much time and are not getting results, then you need to stop! More the reason to end it now and not waste any more time.
Which sites should you join? There's no way we can give you a complete list, as there are too many PTC's out there. But we know of websites that review PTC's and we recommend using them as research starting points.
PTC Investigation has been around for many years, and is known for their brutal honesty and unbiased opinions. If you want to find out which sites are scams and which are legit, then visit this site.
 Taken from Ultimate Strategy
 And my Favorite PTCs are :

Happy Clicking

PTC Favoritku

1. ClixSense
2. CashnHits
3. Neobux
4. Probux

Ke-4 PTC ini yang saya jalani setiap hari, kalau yang lain hanya untuk mengisi waktu.

Clixgrade ....Dimana $5 itu Bersembunyi

Tetap bersorak girang walaupun hanya dapat $0,1 di Clixgrid, walaupun jika dirupiahkan itu tak melebihi Rp 1000. Begitulah ekspresi para clicker dalam meluapkan kegembiraannya saat kotak yang diklik memberikan hasil. Dan setiap kliker pasti hanya bergumam "yahhhh" bila kotak yang diklik hanya memberikan tambahan 5kali kesempatan lagi. Hehehe,, sorry guys, ini diukur dari pengalaman diri sendiri saat memainkan Clixgrid di Clixsense

Bila main ke forum di Clixsense, kita selalu diminta melakukan begini dan begitu saat nge-klik agar mendapatkan $$, dan diam-diam emang sering dipraktekin juga apa yang disaranin oleh para kliker itu. Dan ternyata memang hadiah itu ngak bisa ditebak letaknya dimana dan waktunya kapan kita dapetinnya.

Nah Clickers, kalo pengalaman saya sendiri, waktu klik yang paling sering memberikan saya hadiah adalah saat senja tiba, yakni sekitar jam 5.30 -7.00 WITA di kotak-kotak bagian dalam agak keluar (bingung yaa,, samaa :D). Plus doa yang dilakukan setiap hari, jangan baru mulai klik baru doa :D

Tempo hari saya sempet menangin $0,25 lagi setelah beberapa hari ngak mainin clixgrid (soalnya sering ngak kebagian task, jadi ngak semangat ngeklik clixgrid, ngak ada bonus).
Sampai saat ini belum juga mendapatkan kesempatan $5 di Clixgrid, entah dimana letaknya, tak ada seorangpun yang tahu, bahkan mungkin adminya sekalipun ngak tau, tapi ngak apa, tetap semangat ngeklik.
gabungan yukkk