Best PTC's That is Pay You,,,
~~ Lets Click, Sign up, See the advs, Earning and Withdraw ~~

Earn Up to $0.1 for standar

AyuWage Services - Get Paid to Visits Sites and Complete Surveys

The Bux, the new one, the cool one

ClixSense ; Online and Paying Since 2007

ProBux, Instant Payment

CashNHits ; AutoSurf, Like FB, Unique option in PTCs

NeoBux ; The king of PTC


A Comparison of 2 Top PTC Programs
Today I wanted to compare and contrast 2 of the top PTC programs on the internet.

Pay per click

In Neobux, standard members get 0.001 per click, and they can make up to 0.01 per click on extended ads. For Clixsense, it is 0.001 to 0.005 per click, and they can make up to 0.02 for extended ads. Extended ads are the ones that show for 60 seconds or more.
What about referral clicks? In Neobux, you get 0.005 per referral click, whereas in Clixsense you get 0.008. Clearly, the per click rate for Clixsense is better, and this program wins in this category.

Tasks and surveys

Both programs let you complete tasks or surveys for the chance to make some extra money. They pay anywhere from 0.01 to a few dollars per task completed. You get NeoPoints or NeoCoins for each task you complete, and those points can be used for various things to enhance your account. Some offers will credit immediately, while others may take up to a few days.

Levels of Referrals

Neobux allows you to have 1 level of direct referrals and 1 level of rented referrals. In Clixsense, you can make commissions off of 8 levels. Note, you only get referral clicks on your 1st level. You do not get referra clicks below the 1st level. If someone in your downline upgrades to a premium membership, you make $2 off your 1st level and $1 for every other level.

Rented referrals

Only Neobux allows you to rent referrals, Clixsense does not have this feature.

Browser toolbars

Both PTC programs have the option of letting you install a toolbar, with the purpose of letting you see ads throughout the day that you would've normally missed. They both work the same way - as you are browsing the internet, you will see if ads are available, and you can click on the toolbar to login and view the ad.


Both programs have forums that are strictly moderated and spam free. You can post payment proofs, tell your success stories, or ask a question to other members.

Payment procedures

The payment system varies between these 2 programs. In Neobux, the minimum cashout is $2. And for every cashout after that, the threshold increases by $1 until you reach $10. After that, every payment threshold is $10. For example, your payments may look like this: $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $10, $10...

All payments are instant - there is no wait time whatsoever.

In Clixsense, the threshold for standard members is $8, and for upgraded members is $6. All payments are made on Monday and friday afternoons, it doesn't matter when you cashout.

That is my comparison of Neobux and Clixsense. Hopefully this post shed some light on the differences and similiarities between the top 2 PTC's in the industry, and help you make a decision as to which one to join.


Bukti Menang di ClixGrid "CLIXSENSE"

Di ClixSense, selain Paid To Click juga ada ClixGrid.

Di ClixGrid ini kita bisa menang sampai $5 dan diberi kesempatan klik sebanyak 25 kali untuk member standar dan 50 kali untuk member premium. Saya sendiri sudah pernah berhasil "memancing" di ClixGrid ini. pernah mendapatkan sampai nilai $2.5 dan yang paling sering sih $0.1 dan yang paling apes hanya dapat tambahan 5 kali kesempatan lagi.

Kemenangan kita bisa bervariasi antara $0.1 dan seterusnya hingga $5. Dibawah ini bukti keberhasilan saya "memancing" di ClixGrid yang sempat saya "abadikan" hehe

Klik saat mata ngantuk, lumayanlah buat nambahin balance.



Is Clixsense a Scam?

More often than not, people search google to find out if Clixsense is a scam or not. Hopefully today's newsletter will help you make the right decision about this PTC Company. Clixsense was established in 2007, so they have a long track record, which is pretty good for any PTC.

The short answer is Clixsense is not a scam. In fact it has been paying its members since its inception. Over the years a lot has changed in the site in terms of layout and commission earnings, but all the changes only make the site better.

There was never an issue with delayed or missing payments. I myself have been paid several times by Clixsense with no problems. They pay you the Monday after you request your payment. So if you cashout on Friday you will receive your payment by the next Monday morning.

If at this point you still think that Clixsense is a fraud then you can search google for payment proofs.

Why should you join Clixsense?

Now that we have gotten the facts out of the way, let's focus on why you should join Clixsense. You can earn from 8 levels of referrals, and there is no limit to how many you can get. You can earn up to 0.02 per ad even as a standard member, unlike Neobux, which gives you only 0.001 per ad.

You can upgrade your account for only $17 a year to earn even more money. Neobux charges you $90 to be a Golden member and $890 for Ultimate members. The Ultimate upgrade is a bit unreasonable and out of reach for most people. $17 is affordable for most people who are just getting start to making money online.

Clixsense offers cheap advertising packages for members and advertisers, they go for as low as $2.40 for PTC ads. They also have this feature where you can track different campaigns of recruiting referrals. You can customize your referral link by adding extra fields to it, which allows you to track where your referrals come from. This is extremely useful for those who do massive advertising and wish to see which campaigns are delivering the best results.

There is also a feature called Clixgrid that allows you to earn more money. Basically, they give you a big picture that's divided into sections, and you click on a piece of the picture to see if you win a prize. Many PTC's have a similar feature, sometimes you can get lucky and win if you click on enough pieces.

With all these features, you can already tell that Clixsense is not a fraud. In fact, Whenever I go on and click on ads, I usually see a Clixsense ad here and there. That's why I predict that Clixsense will continue to grow and become one of the best PTC's in the industry.

Are there any downsides to Clixsense?

Every PTC has its advantages and disadvantages, and Clixsense is no different. One downside is that you can't rent referrals. You can only get direct referrals, which is a challenging task for most people.

How does one make money with Clixsense?

You earn only 0.004 to 0.008 per referral click. But if you upgrade your earnings will double. Your referral clicks combined with your own clicks will get you money much faster. So the first key is to upgrade right away, it costs only $17.

The second key is to build your downline fast. Get lots of 1st level referrals, and help your 2nd level referrals with their team. If you help them, they will stay around much longer. And your team will continue to grow without you.


The Innovation in Paid To Click Service


Neobux adalah layanan Paid To Click (PTC) secara gratis yang tersedia bagi member dari seluruh Dunia. Di sini kita juga bisa menampilkan iklan kita dengan mendapatkan ribuan pengunjung yang pontensial ke website kita.

Untuk mendapatkan bayaran dari iklan yang kita lihat, kita hanya diminta untuk melihat iklan oleh pengiklan dalam jangka waktu tertentu antara 5 - 30 detik sesuai dengan nilai yang akan dibayarkan nanti. Setelah itu imbalan akan langsung masuk ke account kita.

Untuk menjadi member kita tidak perlu membayar se-sen pun. JAdi tunggu apalagi, ayo segera mendaftar (dengan klik banner diatas) dan mulai mendapatkan uang gratis


Disini kita harus memiliki account paypal, payza atau netteler. kita cukup memiliki salah satu dari ketiga rekening yang dipakai oleh NEOBUX. Minimum dana yang bisa ditarrik adalah $2. Caranya, sudah tersedia dengan jelas di web.


MEngklik iklan tentunya, masih bingung sara ngekliknya ? lihat pada tool berwarna hijau di bagian atas "view advertiments" disana akan tersedia beberapa iklan yang bisa kita klik dan membayar kita.

Sebagai anggota baru jangan lupa sering-sering main ke forum, disana kita bisa mengetahui lebih jelas apa itu NEOBUX dan juga bisa membaca strategi-strategi dalam menjalankan NEOBUX. Tapi inget, sebagai member baru kita belum bisa berpartisipasi langsung di forum ini. Kita harus menunggu stelah kita mengklik iklan sebanyak 30 kali.



Menghasilkan uang ekstra sambil internetan? kenapa tidak, berikut beberapa program PTC yang akan membayarmu hanya dengan melihat iklan mereka : Join ClixPlanet Join Browse4Bux PTCBox